Philosophy and

Middle School Philosophy and Programs

At Cambridge School, we understand that the middle school years are a critical period in a student’s intellectual and social development. Our Middle School philosophy and programs is carefully designed to not only focus on language remediation, but also on academic strengths and interests.

During their middle school years, students are encouraged to progress toward more abstract, critical thinking and problem solving. In tandem with this goal, we focus on the work production skills needed for higher levels of academia including the executive skills required to accomplish daily tasks and long term projects. Through the middle school years we promote self-awareness, positive self-image, respect for differences, and an appreciation of the larger community.

While Cambridge School has multi-age classrooms, we follow the core curriculum found in traditional middle schools — with topics ranging from math and science to physical education and the arts. 关于我们使用的程序和方法的信息可以在下面找到.

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  • Mathematics

    中学数学课程为学生提供了广泛的, concept-driven curriculum that attempts to give students the mathematical knowledge and tools necessary for daily life and future education. Students develop their ability to solve problems, 用数学语言进行逻辑推理和交流. Included in the curriculum are topics in computation, number theory, estimation, measurement, geometry, graphing and the fundamental concepts of algebra. 因为计算器扩展了学生的计算能力, 专注于概念开发和解决问题的过程是稳定的. TINS方法继续被用来有效地排序和解决单词问题.

    • Dimensions Math® from Singapore Math 是一种高效、多感官、结构化的数学教学方法吗. 这种方法侧重于通过有意的技能排序和具体的概念掌握, pictorial, 抽象的方法,以有形的方式引入概念,并逐渐变得更加抽象. 学生的元认知能力得到加强,因为他们被教导“思考他们的思考”,,当他们学会如何有效地分享这种想法时,他们的沟通技巧就会提高. Students use prior knowledge to anchor new learning and to make connections between various mathematical concepts. Dimensions Math®教授技巧和技能,以培养学生的数字感, mental math abilities, and flexibility in thinking about numbers. Problem solving is also highly emphasized, and students learn how to transform word problems into visual representations in order to successfully solve them. The ultimate goal is to help students become successful, confident, resourceful mathematical thinkers.
    • Making Math Real™是一个多感官,动手和结构化的程序,专为所有学习风格的学生. 这种方法整合了在数学上取得成功所必需的关键认知发展. Essential brain tools for math, such as symbol imaging, detail analysis and sequential processing, are developed through fun and engaging lessons that guide students from kindergarten through algebra.
    • TINS(思想,信息,数字句子,解决方案)方法 是为了帮助学生分解文字问题并准确地解决它们而设计的. 学生被教导识别关键字和不必要的词, visualize the problem and understand the “language of math” so they are able to choose the appropriate operations when solving a problem.
  • Social Studies

    在中学历史和社会研究课程中, students expand their knowledge of geography, history, economics, civics, world cultures, and current events. 学习包括记笔记和提纲在内的理解技巧. 动手项目和模拟让学生在课堂上“体验”历史. In addition, each student in the Middle School receives Time for Kids, 课堂时间也会定期用于时事.

  • Science

    Middle School students continue to engage in multi-sensory activities to extend their knowledge in the life, physical, 以及地球科学以及发展使用实验室设备的技能. 学生通过完成几个实验室实验参与体验式学习, including dissection activities, to facilitate discovery-based learning. 学生们还利用周围的环境作为户外教室,并利用许多当地资源, such as the Watershed Outdoor Center, Trenton State Museum and Planetarium, 以及清洁海洋行动峰会,以研究许多生命科学和环境概念. 整合到科学课程中的计算机应用包括在互联网上的研究, web-quests, and demonstrations on the SMART Board™.

  • Greek and Latin Word Roots

    Middle School students learn Greek and Latin word roots to help them increase vocabulary and reading comprehension. Each week, students are presented with strategic vocabulary instruction through Greek and Latin word parts from the book series, Vocabulary from Classical Roots. Students are empowered with a useful, transferable technique for making sense of unfamiliar vocabulary across content areas and on standardized tests. Exercises have students think about word relationships, determine correct usage of words in context, complete analogies, and use words in writing and discussion. The teacher provides the student with many multi-sensory activities that include the Greek and Latin word roots learned, so that these word parts become internalized.

  • Performing Arts

    Music is an essential component of every child’s education and all Cambridge School students participate in musical learning through the Fine Arts Program. Cambridge School’s music program is performance based. The program is directly linked to school celebrations through vocal and instrumental music as well as drama. A winter concert, an annual all-school musical and an end of year performance are just a few of the ways we share our students’ musical accomplishments. 歌曲以季节、节日和学校项目为导向. 我们的目标是培养学生的音乐技能,包括声乐制作, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, note reading, and harmony through the medium of rehearsal. Many different musical styles, genres, 文化在教师主导的听力活动中得到体现. The music program is integrated with classroom curriculum. Opportunities to enhance team work, cooperation, community, and self-esteem are provided through these large-group collaborations where students practice the art of working together to achieve a common musical goal.

    Drama has many beneficial applications in the classroom. Research shows that drama increases creativity, originality, sensitivity, fluency, flexibility, emotional stability, cooperation, and examination of moral attitudes, 同时培养沟通技巧和文学鉴赏力. 戏剧通过提供视觉效果来适应不同学习风格的学生, auditory, and kinesthetic methods of teaching critical thinking skills and engaging in aesthetic experiences with literature. In addition, 在课堂上对戏剧的研究发现戏剧可以提高阅读理解能力, persuasive writing skills, self-esteem, and positive attitudes towards others. 戏剧也为安全的表达和想象力的运用提供了一个平台.

  • Art

    The goal of the art program at Cambridge School is to stimulate creative thinking and to encourage students to feel comfortable using art as an effective and meaningful form of communication. 不同学习方式的学生往往表现出很强的视觉艺术天赋. Therefore, 我们努力通过创造性地解决问题和艺术实验来挑战学生, 激发他们一生的好奇心和创造的冲动. 通过在各种媒体中培养技能,学生培养对创造性表达的信心. The students work with tools appropriate to their abilities and skill level in order to develop manipulative skills needed to satisfy individual artistic expression. Elements of design are introduced: line, shape, color, texture, space, and light, as well as the principles of design: pattern, rhythm, balance, contrast, emphasis, and unity. The students create bridges between art and the world around them through a theme-based integrated curriculum. For example, students design and create set backdrops and stage props that are used in their all-school musical production. 项目通常将艺术概念与语言、数学和社会研究联系起来. Projects are designed to offer structure for students to feel creatively safe yet provide enough freedom for self discovery. The students expand their horizons and are visually inspired by experiencing a variety of artwork from contemporary and past cultures. Also, 学生通过参观博物馆/画廊与艺术界建立联系, field trips, visiting artists, and the annual Student Art Show.

  • Digital Discoveries

    This leveled course provides direct instruction in both computer skills and the underlying science that drives technology. Students build their digital literacy as they engage in dynamic experiences that develop their knowledge of the workings of technology, 同时获得21世纪的关键技能,包括合作, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. Components of the series include: computer coding, digital design, concepts of architecture and engineering, app development, and graphic design.

  • Physical Education

    The Middle School Physical Education Curriculum capitalizes on the skill development taught in Lower School. 随着学生的稳步成长,他们的肌肉协调性也在增强. 强调了物体操纵的准确性和快速性. The students are exposed to team, group, 和体育相关的活动,他们可以竞争, active, and inquisitive. 他们练习有价值的概念和技能,如体育精神, positive social interactions, peer acceptance, self-discipline, independence, and leadership. In addition, 学生们参加了一年一度的筹款活动,名为“心脏之环”, which ties into our community service program.

    During the fitness component, the students are evaluated and tested to measure their fitness level and skills compared to other students their age.

    In the winter semester all students have health classes integrated into their physical education program. 健康课程旨在解决与学生的社会环境有关的健康问题, 为他们提供必要的技能,以做出适当的选择.

  • Instrumental Music – Recorder

    Instrumental Music introduces students to the two main elements of music: rhythm and pitch through instruction in the recorder. 由我们的器乐指导老师Mr. Ray Nugent. Mr. Nugent is a member of the Westminster Conservatory of Music and has a Masters of the Art in Piano Pedagogy and Performance. Proper finger position, 口部(乐器相对于口腔的位置), 吹技术演示和加强通过直接指导, modeling, and practice. 学生们用奥尔夫和柯达利的方法学习符号和不同的音符值. 通过各种练习、呼应、阅读和即兴创作来强化概念. 学生们每年在节日音乐会和年终典礼上表演两次.

  • Handbell Choir – Middle School I & II

    Students in Middle School I & 我会参加每周45分钟的手铃唱诗班. Ray Nugent. Handbells involve a highly organized and complex system of counting and reading where each individual student is responsible for one or two notes within a whole piece. Students must count the entire piece and listen to the piece as a whole in order to know exactly when they need to play their individual bell or bells.  Teamwork is at the core of the class. 为了得分,每个人都必须了解其他人的部分. 当各个元素结合在一起形成一个旋律和谐的作品时,是非常令人兴奋的. The class includes score analysis, (reading the music and talking about it), repertoire, and performance.

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